Next week is National Dog Week, how should we Celebrate!?

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A message from the Laramie Animal Shelter:

Next week is National Dog Week, from September 23rd – 28th. Who knew?! An entire week devoted to our love of Man’s Best Friend.

Do you have a dog that eagerly greets you every time you return home? (Even if you just went to the car.) Do you have a dog that lends an ear when you’ve had a bad day? Does your dog hog the bed but he’s the best cuddler? Is your Fido always ready to accompany you on car rides?  Does your canine companion love you more than kibbles?

We have a special bond with our dogs. It’s a bond that goes back centuries. They are our faithful companions and they offer countless benefits to our lives. Some are highly trained working dogs that practice specialized skills for the benefit of society. Some are just couch potatoes that help an individual human have a better day. Either way, dog’s impact our lives more than we might consider.

If you have a canine companion, take some time this week to consider why. Why did you get a dog in the first place? How has your dog helped you have a better life? What lessons have you learned from your time with your dog? A little reflection can help you regain an appreciation for all he brings to your life.

Consider celebrating your dog this week. It’s not necessary to throw him an elaborate party. He’s usually content with an extra game of fetch, a surprise scratch behind the ear, a special “who’s a good boy?!” He is!