A Slice of Laramie sees you

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I feel like such a one-trick pony lately because all I can seem to write about it is the coronavirus and the effects it’s having on our lives. Typically when I sit down to write A Slice of Laramie I think back on all the things I’ve done over the past week, the places I’ve gone, the people I’ve seen. But of course now I’m not doing much (school-at-home takes up a lot of time!) and I don’t go many places that aren’t already in my house.

I do see people, though. I see the people persevering and going to work, even though they know there’s a chance that doing so could expose them to the virus. Yet they keep going because other people need them to. I see the kids playing by themselves because they can’t be with their friends. I see the teachers learning new technology and trying to reach students through it. I see everyone that’s given up a graduation, a wedding, a baby shower. I see you going to the grocery store with a mask on, even though it’s uncomfortable, because you have faith that these small efforts will work. I see how desperate you are for things to go back to normal.I have no magic words to make it right. But we made it through another week, and we’ll make it through the next one, too.