Laramie Completes Casper Aquifer Protection Plan Update for Water Security

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Laramie city officials are excited to announce the successful update of the Casper Aquifer Protection Plan, a collaborative effort with Albany County. The newly adopted plan, available on the city’s website, safeguards the primary water source for residents. The comprehensive year-and-a-half-long process aimed to unify protection strategies for the city and county.

The joint initiative, backed by 30+ years of recognizing the aquifer’s importance, ensures clean water supply. With the city and county relying on the aquifer for 60% and 100% of their drinking water, respectively, safeguarding this vital resource remains paramount.

Major updates include the incorporation of up-to-date scientific findings from the past decade, enhancing aquifer geology and hydrology understanding. The plan also reviews aquifer boundaries, development practices, and septic system impact, with input from experts at Fort Collins-based consulting firm Stantec.

The previous plan dated back to 2008, and this overhaul was driven by evolving knowledge and changing circumstances. While the updated plan is now in effect, ongoing work will focus on refining regulations and future development strategies.

Laramie residents are encouraged to explore the detailed Casper Aquifer Protection Plan for a water-secure future at