Wyoming Hunger Initiative Funds Laramie Non-Profits to Combat Food Insecurity

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The Wyoming Hunger Initiative, spearheaded by First Lady Jennie Gordon, has allocated $207,022 in funding this summer to support anti-hunger organizations across the state. This funding, made possible through a generous match from the Pace Family Foundation, aims to bolster infrastructure and ensure the sustainability of these vital services. Among the beneficiaries are three Laramie-based organizations: Laramie Interfaith, Laramie Connections, and Laramie Soup Kitchen.

The Wyoming Hunger Initiative, launched in October 2019, is dedicated to addressing food insecurity in Wyoming. By providing grants for infrastructure needs, the Initiative helps ensure that local organizations can continue their critical work. The Initiative’s mission is to support the existing efforts of anti-hunger organizations and to find long-term, sustainable solutions to food insecurity.

Laramie Interfaith, Laramie Connections, and Laramie Soup Kitchen have each received funding through this grant cycle. These organizations play a crucial role in the Laramie community by providing food assistance, resources, and support to those in need. The grants will help them enhance their operations, improve their facilities, and continue to serve the community effectively.

First Lady Jennie Gordon emphasized the importance of timely resource allocation, stating, “It’s important to us that we allocate resources where they will have the greatest impact, as quickly as possible.” The Initiative’s approach ensures that even small donations can make a significant difference, as evidenced by the nearly $12,000 raised through the “Hearts for Hunger” campaign in February.

The Wyoming Hunger Initiative continues to make strides in the fight against food insecurity, with the support of dedicated ambassadors, the Hunger Champions Circle, and generous donors. The funding provided to Laramie Interfaith, Laramie Connections, and Laramie Soup Kitchen is a testament to the Initiative’s commitment to strengthening community-based efforts and fostering long-term solutions.

For more information about the Wyoming Hunger Initiative and its efforts to combat food insecurity, visit www.nohungerwyo.org.