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Get ready for a powerful theatrical experience as Relative Theatrics presents the Wyoming premier of Will Arbery’s gripping play, Heroes of the Fourth Turning. The show, directed by Sean Coyle, runs from August 23rd to August 31st at the Buchanan Center for Performing Arts Thrust Theatre.

This thought-provoking drama explores a reunion of four young conservatives on a chilly night in rural America. As they celebrate their mentor’s new role as college president, tensions rise, revealing deep-seated conflicts and spiritual turmoil. The New York Times calls it “astonishing and riveting,” highlighting its bold examination of Christian conservatism.

The production features Francesca Mintowt-Czyz, Anne Mason, Nathaniel Quinn, Ethan Williams, and Kathy Kirkaldie. It marks Sean Coyle’s debut as Artistic Director at Relative Theatrics, and a return to the stage for Anne Mason, the company’s founder.

Opening night is August 23rd at 7:30 PM, with a preview pay-what-you-can performance on August 22nd. Additional shows are scheduled through August 31st, including a matinee on August 25th. Tickets are available online at, with prices ranging from $43 to $18.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit

Buchanan Center for Performing Arts, Thrust Theatre, 1000 E University
DATES/TIMES: August 23rd & 24th at 7:30PM, August 25th at 2PM, August 28th, 29th, 30th
and 31st at 7:30PM.
Pay-What-You-Can preview performance: August 22nd at 7:30PM
All Performances offer a general admission pick-your-price option of $43, $28, or $18.*
*No one will be turned away for lack of funds