A Blossoming Vision: Optimist Park’s New Apple Orchard

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This spring, City Arborist Kyle Peep set his sights on transforming underused land at Optimist Park into something special. His vision? An apple orchard that would not only provide shade but also abundant fruit for the community in years to come.

Inspired by Wyoming’s rich apple-growing history and local initiatives like the Wyoming Apple Project, Peep planted six apple trees, including Renown, Norland, and Harlred varieties. The small but promising orchard is just beginning, with plans to expand each spring.

Courtesy Photo.

“We started small to see what would survive Wyoming’s winters. In five years, we’ll start seeing fruit for the community to enjoy,” Peep shared. Beyond the future harvest, the orchard will serve as an educational tool, helping residents learn which apple varieties thrive in Laramie’s climate.

With time and care, Peep’s orchard is set to become a fruitful addition to the city, offering a unique blend of beauty, shade, and sustenance.

For more information, contact Kyle Peep at kpeep@cityoflaramie.org.

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