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All posts by This Is Laramie Staff

National Police Week

National Police Week is an annual observance that honors law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. It also serves as a time to reflect on the challenges facing police officers every day and how we can support them. In

Albany County CattleWomen Ranch Tour

 The Albany County CattleWomen Ranch Tour will be held on July 15, 2023. The tour is free to the public and includes an informative tour guide.      One bus from Gray Line Travel Coaches will be available for transportation at a charge of $35/person. Payment must

Laramie Interfaith Launches STEP Program

Laramie Interfaith is proud to present our STEP program, a three-month program designed to help people build foundational skills they need to achieve self-sufficiency.  Interfaith is partnering with community organizations to teach 3 free classes: financial education and budgeting, job preparation and resume building, and