Laramie Gains a Martial Arts Program Ready to Teach the Community How to Defend and Protect.

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By Katie Chapman

“Kickboxing lets me know I can protect the people that I love. As coach TJ always says; we
aren’t just fighting to fight, we are fighting to protect.” says Ralph Fawaz, a student at Laramie
Kickboxing Academy.

Are you looking for a new way to work out? Maybe you need a new way to relieve stress.
Laramie Kickboxing Academy is welcoming new members to learn what kickboxing is all about.
Kickboxing is a great way for anyone 13 and older to learn discipline skills, confidence, and
focus on their character building. Right now the kickboxing group holds anywhere from 8 – 14
gentlemen working as a brotherhood to better one another. “The students really learn integrity,
and confidence in the gym. They develop a sense of pride for who they are and what they
represent.” stated coach TJ Nunnaley. Kickboxing, although sounds like danger, requires gear to
ensure you are always protected. Students must wear boxing gloves, shin pads, and a mouth
guard. Not only do they need to wear protection but they also use tools that help keep them
protected while training like hand mitts, body targets, and punching bags. Students work
together through drills constantly giving and getting feedback to ensure everyone is the best
they can be. The students work one-on-one together and with the coach to push everyone to
give it there all.

Laramie Kickboxing Academy wants to ensure everyone 13 and up is welcome to join. Although
the group is majority males, women are encouraged to give it a try also as it can help you learn
more about protecting oneself and others. “Kickboxing lets me know I can protect the people
that I love. As coach TJ always says; we aren’t just fighting to fight, we are fighting to protect.”
says Ralph Fawaz, a student at Laramie Kickboxing Academy. Using power and purpose with
every hard blow, whether it’s in your hands or your feet, kickboxing helps teach discipline
through its motions and develops a better understanding of how to protect.

Kickboxing also provides a way to relieve stress through the focus of drills. “Kickboxing is a fun
way that helps me feel less stressful. It brings clarity to my mind as we work together in
practice.” said Shay Crider, a student at Laramie Kickboxing Academy. Kickboxing is more than
just competitions to these young students, it provides a community they can call their own. “I like
the friendships I’ve made in the group, it helps us work on getting better together.” stated
Fawaz. Crider added, “We grow together on the team. We want to see everyone reach the
same level and compete together.” The biggest thing to remember in kickboxing is to respect
the experience. It’s more like an art, it brings out the good and beautiful. Everyone comes in
scared to get hit in the face, but once they are in the gym, they develop a passion for the
movement. In kickboxing, “Staying on your toes helps movement, blocking, and striking;
keeping you ready for anything.” stated Nunnaley.

Although the students train together, competitions are based on individual skill levels. The main
competition comes from a promotion in Colorado called the Sparta Combat League. “They fight
in one-on-one matches at a tournament but I will always be there to back their corner, givingthem advice and encouraging them to do their best.” says Nunnaley. With more students
entering the sport, Laramie Kickboxing Academy would love to expand and get more community
involvement, in hopes to become a premier kickboxing location in Laramie. “I love when new
people want to learn more about kickboxing. It makes me feel part of something bigger, and I
alway remind them the first lesson is free and it gives them something productive to do.” says
Crider. Check out Laramie Kickboxing Academy at Third Way Jiu Jitsu at 7 p.m. Wednesday
and Friday nights or Sundays at noon. For more information check out the public facebook
page, Laramie Kickboxing Academy, or call TJ at 307-996-6469.