Laramie Reproductive Health will be celebrating its 50th anniversary with its traditional annual Pie-in-the-Sky dessert auction on February 6th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The virtual live event is open to the public with a suggested donation of $20. Reserve a ticket here:

The silent auction for homemade desserts will take place February 5th from 4:00 p.m. until February 6th at 4:00 p.m. Desserts will be delivered by a Board Member after the live event on February 6th directly to each winners’ house.
“We thought about what would make a virtual event fun,” explains Libby Thorson, Board Member and Fundraising Committee Chair. “We thought about what we would want to see.”

The fundraising committee was tasked with finding community figures as volunteers to get a pie in the face for a good cause. Several prominent figures stepped up, including County Attorney Peggy Trent, City Manager Janine Jordan, City Councilwoman Jessica Stalder, and County Commissioner Pete Gosar. The person to raise the most money during the virtual auction will have a friend or family member shove a pie in their face during the live event!

Naomi Boldon, Executive Director for Laramie Reproductive Health, says, “While we really wanted to have a huge party celebrating Laramie Reproductive Health’s 50th anniversary of providing reproductive healthcare to our community, I think we have a spectacular event that everyone can attend safely at home.”

The live event will also feature Wyoming Public Radio’s Micah Schweizer as the MC and music will be provided by Moral Panic. A slide show showing what Laramie looked like in the 1950’s will include old photos of Laramie Reproductive Health as the previous Albany County Family Planning.

The event has a suggested donation of $20, but anyone can attend for any sum they can afford. Tickets can be reserved by calling the clinic or via Event Brite and can be found on Laramie Reproductive Health’s Facebook page at
“Come celebrate with Laramie Reproductive Health, as we honor the contributions of our community members and partner organizations in serving Albany County residents for 50 years!” says Boldon.