City Of Laramie Press Release
Laramie, Wyoming – On June 28, 2021 Big Huhnks Excavation will begin the Scout Park Development Project. This project includes the installation of a walking path, restroom, two playgrounds for ages two to five and five to twelve, plaza, irrigation/sod repairs and other miscellaneous items. This project is intended to be substantially complete by September 30, 2021.

This Scout Park Development Project has been vetted, planned, funded and de-funded for many years. The City of Laramie, Parks & Recreation Department is proud to bring this improvement to our residents. Funding for this project has been provided through the Land & Water Conservation Fund and the voter approved 2018 Specific Purpose Tax Ballot.
Construction activities are permissible between the hours of 7:00am and 8:00pm and nearby residents may be impacted by construction noise, activities and a detour on 22nd Street for the sewer connection. This project will also have an effect on the turf as irrigation will be disrupted at times. The City and Contractor are making efforts to ensure that turf and trees continue to receive necessary irrigation.
If you have questions related to this project please feel free to contact Todd Feezer, Assistant City Manager at (307) 721-5304 or or Scott Hunter, Parks Manager at (307) 721-5257 or