Laramie High School Cheer Team Holds Fundraiser Car Wash to Support Local Athletes

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The Laramie High School Cheer Team is gearing up for an exciting fundraising event this Saturday, July 29, 2023. With the aim of garnering community support and securing funds for their upcoming activities, the spirited cheerleaders will be hosting a car wash at the Brown and Gold store parking lot from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Local residents are invited to come and get their vehicles, whether it’s a car, truck, boat, or any other mode of transport, sparkling clean while contributing to a worthy cause. The LHS cheerleaders have graciously set the donation amount as open-ended, allowing individuals to contribute any amount they wish to support the team’s endeavors.

The funds raised during this car wash extravaganza will play a crucial role in supporting the Laramie High School Cheer Team throughout the year. Not only will it aid in covering the expenses related to travel, but it will also ensure that the team is adequately equipped with the necessary uniforms and gear.

“Our cheerleaders have worked tirelessly to bring energy and excitement to our school’s sports events and other community activities,” said Jennie Christenson
LHS Cheer mom. “Participating in this car wash not only helps them in achieving their goals but also reinforces the sense of community and camaraderie among our Laramie residents.”

As the event promises to be both fun and rewarding, the cheer team members are enthusiastic about welcoming everyone to the Brown and Gold store parking lot on Saturday. The event will not only offer an opportunity to get your vehicle cleaned by these talented athletes but also a chance to witness their infectious team spirit and cheerleading prowess up close.

So, mark your calendars for this Saturday, July 29th, and head down to the Brown and Gold store parking lot from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Your generous contributions will make a significant difference in empowering these young athletes to represent Laramie High School with pride and enthusiasm.

Support your local cheerleaders while driving away with a gleaming vehicle – a win-win situation for the entire community. Let’s come together and cheer on the Laramie High School Cheer Team!

For more information or to make a direct donation, please contact Jennie Christenson
LHS Cheer mom